
Ember on Rails: #REALTALK

If you work in Rails and have ever wondered about Ember.js, you should know that Ember and Rails go together like Nutella and pretzels. (Which is to say, quite well indeed.)

Get an inside look of the experience of going from having never tried Ember to shipping a production application in it. What makes Ember a good match for certain types of applications?

The Ruby Racer isn't threadsafe... yet.

In which I explain problems unique to running The Ruby Racer in a multithreaded environment,
which users are affected by these problems, and what is to be done for them.

UPDATE: This issue has been resolved with version 0.9.1.
You should be able to stop reading here, update your Gemfile, and have a great day. That said, please don’t
let me discourage you from continuing down the page. It’s riveting.
