
Building a Continuous Integration & Deployment Solution for the IoT.

Great, Scott! Even Doc may say we are in the future. Embedded devices and systems are everywhere and today almost every one of them is connected to the internet. Currently, there are over an estimated 8 billion connected devices transferring data and communicating via the internet and that number will continue to grow exponentially to an estimated over 27 billion by 2020. To put that number in perspective the population is estimated at 321 million in the United States and 7 billion in the world. Is anyone else thinking Skynet here?

One Helpful Way to Think About JavaScript Decorators

Why Decorators?

It is an important question; one many tutorials rush past in their hurry to talk about the what and how. Of course, after being exposed to enough doses of what and how, you can usually piece together why, but in my experience it saves time to just hear it up front. I’d like to share one of the ways I’ve come to think about decorators and how it’s helped me think about when to use them.
